What to do if you find injured wildlife

- Call the hotline on 02 6672 4789 immediately to report injured wildlife. Follow instructions from the hotline volunteer.
- Take note of the exact location where it was found and tell the rescuer so, after rehabilitation, it can be released back into the wild.
- If on the road, please never place yourself in danger.
- Please refrain from handling any wildlife. Remember, these are wild animals which are often dangerous. Never handle raptors, reptiles including snakes, flying foxes, koalas and macropods. Please keep in mind even a small ‘cute’ bird can inflict injury!
- If deemed safe to handle by our hotline volunteer, place injured wildlife in a box lined with a towel to prevent movement during transport. Cover the box securely with a loose lid or towel to create a dark environment to prevent stress.
- Keep the animal away from pets, children or any loud noises.
- DO NOT administer any food or drink.
24 Hour Hotline
Our hotline operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week for all wildlife emergencies in the Tweed Shire.
Please do not email reports of sick and injured wildlife as our emails are not monitored continually. For non-urgent enquiries, and to become a member, please email committee@tvwc.org.au.