Become a Member of TVWC
Interested in joining? Check out our membership section.
Becoming a member is one vital way in which you can help rescue and care for our native wildlife, if you are living in the Tweed Shire of NSW. Only members are licensed to rescue and rehabilitate native wildlife in this region. Some people think that, because they are not in a position to actually care for wildlife long term – due to work or family commitments, they live in apartments, or do not have the financial or physical means – they can’t be a member. This is not so! There are many other ways you can be involved, including:
- Our wildlife hotline needs to be attended 365 days a year, 24 hours a day by volunteers who can spare a few hours a week.
- Transport and rescue is an area of need. So many calls from the public require a member to rescue and/or transport the animal to a vet or a carer.
- Perhaps you have building or carpentry skills and could turn your hand to building nestboxes or enclosures.
- Helping with fundraising is something most members can be involved in.
- In order for the group to run professionally and fulfil its legal obligations, there are administrative tasks that need to be done, like entering database animal and membership records, serving on a committee and helping with the running of training courses.
- Those with creative and design skills can assist in the production of the group’s newsletters, publications, website and social media.
- Donations, whether of money, equipment, enclosures, towels, supplies … are always needed, and appreciated.
- Applying for grants.
24 Hour Hotline
Our hotline operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week for all wildlife emergencies in the Tweed Shire.
Please do not email reports of sick and injured wildlife as our emails are not monitored continually. For non-urgent enquiries, and to become a member, please email